Personalised Design ideas That Speak to You

When you're decorating your home, you don't want the same design everyone else has. That one-size-fits all, out-of-the-box look simply isn't intriguing, and emotionally, it doesn't feel as nice as personalized designs. Hi! My name is Sarah, and I love design. My home reflects not just what's in style, but rather, it reflects something about me, my life, experiences and preferences. In this blog, I want to help you create your ideal home. I plan to write about how to personalise interior design from a functional and aesthetic perspective, as well as tips on saving money, hiring designers and more. Take a look and enjoy.

2 Easy Ways To Introduce The Metallic Trend Into Your Home's Decor


Metallics are a hot trend in modern interior design. From high gloss through to aged and patinated finishes, metallics are being used in every room of the home to add depth, texture and a touch of luxury to the decor. Adding some metallics to a room is a great way to quickly bring the look up to date and add a new level of opulence. Here are two easy and fast ways to bring the beauty of metallics into your home.

1. Electroplate your plumbing fixtures

Electroplating refers to the process of adding a thin layer of metal to a non-porous surface. It's achieved by combining electrical current with a chemical solution called an electrolyte. This process breaks up the particles of the metal allowing it to be deposited in a thin layer on your chosen object. This isn't a DIY project and will need to be performed by an electroplating company.

Old taps, sinks and even bathtubs can be electroplated with a variety of metals such as silver, gold, copper and chromium. While silver and gold may be a bit of a stretch on your budget, copper and chromium are relatively inexpensive. Both of these metal finishes are highly popular choices in interior design and will give your plumbing fixtures an instant and eye catching metal finish.

2. Use metallic paint on your walls

There is a whole new generation of beautiful metallic paints that have been developed to cater to the metallic trend in interior design. These range from dazzling colours that have sparkling particles included in the paint to more subtle hues that provide a vintage metal look.

Metallic paint can be used in any room of the home but they're most popular in bedrooms, living rooms and bathrooms. If you're not feeling adventurous enough to paint the whole room in metallic paint, then using it on a single wall to create a striking feature is a great compromise. Metallic paints are available at most paint stores or hardware stores. If you want a flawless and professional finish, it's best to use a professional painting contractor to apply the paint.

The use of metallics is a trend that looks like it's here to stay and it's easy to understand why. They provide a contemporary style to your home that is still warm, elegant and timeless. Adding some metallic features to your home is a fantastic way to give your home a small facelift that will have a big visual impact.


15 August 2017